Top 10k strings from Seven Parchments of Kandos, The (1989)(Sinclair User).z80
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5 g,h;"Use this spell to"; 3 l(h9)=l(h9)+b: 3 "You haven't got it": 2 l(h9)=l(h9)-b 2 '"Try again": 2 "I don't understand": 1 z$=" parchment": 1 w$="A twisting maze" 1 w$,"There is some freshly-dug earth here","--79 1 w$," ","77----54----" 1 w$," ","----78 1 u$="The Lost Island" 1 u$,"The southern edge","88----86----" 1 u$,"The mouth of the volcano. It's too dark to see a way to climb down"," 1 u$,"The foothills of a great volcano","88869089----" 1 u$,"A small cove.An extinct volcano can be seen to the south","04858789----" 1 u$,"A lava-strewn pit.Above can be seen a faint glimmering of light"," 1 u$,"A hilly track.To the southwest--the Great Ocean","85--8789----" 1 u$,"A hilly path.Eastwards a track rises to the summit","888685 1 u$,"A dim torch-lit tunnel","----8284----" 1 u$,"A dead end","----83 1 s$="The Forest of Long Shadows" 1 s$,"There is an eerie feeling in theair"," 1 s$,"The trees look old and haggard","162321 1 s$,"Paths lead in two directions","--23--22----" 1 s$,"A small clearing.The tall trees surround you","222021 1 r$="The Old Caves" 1 r$,"You're in a spacious cavern","5052 1 r$,"There are bleak tunnels leading in all directions","--47504649--" 1 r$,"A small sinister room.A faint breeze can be detected here","--815247----" 1 r$,"A rock gallery high in the caves"," 1 r$,"A large ancient statue of a 1 r$,"A grim and evil-smelling rock- walled chamber","51----53----" 1 r$,"A dim passage with slimy walls","48--5346----" 1 q$="Nooky Wood" 1 q$,"You're at a lonely crossroads. Several paths lead through the trees","43374436----" 1 q$,"The trees are a bit thinner here.A sign can be seen nailed to one of the trees","----4644----" 1 q$,"Deep amongst the tall trees","--544542----" 1 q$,"A dead end.You cannot go any further"," 1 m,m;"with ease"; 1 m,h;"the void,in combat"; 1 m,g;"by Martin Page 1989": 1 m,f;"It must be cast before"; 1 m,a2;"battle"; 1 m,a1;"in combat"; 1 l(j2)=l(j2)+zz: 1 l(j2)=l(j2)+b: 1 l(j2)<l(j4) 1 l(i7)=l(i7)+b 1 l(i4)=l(i4)-b: 1 l(i3)=l(i3)-b: 1 l(h9)=l(h9)-b: 1 l(f6)=l(f6)-b 1 l(f4)=l(f4)+b: 1 l(f3)=l(f3)+b: 1 l(f2)=l(f2)+b: 1 l(f1)=l(f1)+b: 1 l(eo)=l(eo)+b: 1 l(e9)=l(e9)+b: 1 l(e8)=l(e8)+b: 1 l(e7)=l(e7)+b 1 l(e6)=l(e6)-b: 1 l(e5)=l(e5)-b: 1 l(d7)=l(d7)-b 1 k,a;" MAGIC 1 k,a9;"Web" 1 k,a9;"1.SPELLS"; 1 k$="The Great Ocean" 1 k$,"To the southwest,in the far 1 k$,"To the far north you can see 'terra firma'","--07 1 k$,"To the east,you can see a great galleon.There appears to be no sign of life","05131008----" 1 k$,"To the distant east,land can be seen","--054004----" 1 k$,"There is water,water everywhere","0104--01----" 1 k$,"The northern edge","--0702 1 k$,"It extends in all directions","061708 1 k$,"In all directions there appears to be nothingness","03080904----" 1 k$,"Far away to the south,there 1 k$,"A watery vortex","--01 1 j,h;"slow your enemies"; 1 j,h;"open metal doors"; 1 j,h;"cast denizens to"; 1 j,g;"wounds sustained in"; 1 j,g;"resurrect yourself."; 1 j,g;"from great heights"; 1 j,f;"evade blows in combat"; 1 j$="Castle Craigmoor" 1 j$,"The western edge.You can see a moat","6365 1 j$,"The southern edge.To the north a moat","----6664----" 1 j$,"The northern perimeter.There is a drawbridge and a moat to the south","81676664----" 1 j$,"The eastern path.There's a moat to the west","6365 1 j$,"The castle kitchen","----73--75--" 1 j$,"The bathroom","--75----76--" 1 j$,"An impressive hallway with lush furnishings","6770----73--" 1 j$,"A wide path leading to the 1 j$,"A store room"," 1 j$,"A richly furnished drawing room.A portrait of King Kasim looks down from the wall"," 1 j$,"A library.The walls are lined with books of all kinds.There are also some rather interestingatlases here","71 1 j$,"A high tower"," 1 j$,"A damp,draughty dungeon","----69----61" 1 j$,"A boudoir.There are some ornate wardrobes on the eastern wall To the north is a metal door","74 1 i$="The village of Longbottom" 1 i$,"You are on the main street.To the east is a general store;to the west-a pawnbrokers","54575956----" 1 i$,"An upstairs room of the shop"," 1 i$,"A pawnbroker's shop littered with people's belongings","----55 1 i$,"A general store.The shop is fullof the usual 'corner shop'items"," 1 i$,"A dimly-lit cellar"," 1 h,a;" ENDURANCE :";en; 1 h,a9;"Feather" 1 h$="The Tower of Colours" 1 h$,"The Sun Room"," 1 h$,"The Snow Room"," 1 h$,"The Sky Room.You can see a stonesarcophagus"," 1 h$,"The Purple Room"," 1 h$,"The Night Room"," 1 h$,"The Emerald Room","----24--2725" 1 h$,"The Blood Room"," 1 h$,"The Black Room"," 1 go,a2,m,h1,m,k 1 g4,h,f,g5,j,f,g6,a7,a3,g7,a5,a4, 1 g,h;"Use this to heal"; 1 g,h;"Use this to fall"; 1 g,b;"THE SEVEN PARCHMENTS OF KANDOS"; 1 g,a9;" "; 1 f8,g,f,f9,a1,j,fo,a2,m,g1,j,m,g2,m,h,g3,m,j 1 f,a;" STRENGTH :";st; 1 f,a9;"Healing" 1 e,m;"SESAME SPELL" 1 e,k;"HEALING SPELL" 1 e,k;"FEATHER SPELL" 1 e,h;"RESURRECTION SPELL" 1 e,h;"INVISIBILITY SPELL" 1 e,a1;"WEB SPELL" 1 d;"Want another game(Y/N)?" 1 d,b;" ATTRIBUTES " 1 d,a9;" SPELLS " 1 c;"Your torch is lit" 1 c5,g6,d8,h5,c7,h7,d3,a4,c3,b9,b5,a,a,a,eo,b3,a,i1,i1,i1,i1 1 c$=c$+a$(i 1 c$="read sign" 1 c$="read log" 1 c$="drink potion" 1 b;"What now?"; 1 b;"There's a rowing boat here" 1 b;"There is a wallsafe here" 1 b;"The safe is open" 1 b;"A rope coils upwards" 1 b1,h;"Press first letter" 1 b1,g;"PLEASE WAIT A MOMENT" 1 b1,b;"Your enemy is slowed in combat": 1 b$="jfmamjjasond" 1 ao,k;"You are dead!" 1 ao,k;"YOU ARE DEAD!": 1 ao,j;"WEB SPELL CAST"; 1 ao,h;"Your foe perishes!" 1 ao,h;"You rest in peace!" 1 ao,h;"The round is drawn": 1 ao,g;"You are the victor!" 1 ao,g;"Which spell to cast?" 1 ao,f;"Your blow strikes home" 1 ao,f;"You suffer a sharp jab" 1 ao,f;"You murder your enemy!" 1 ao,f;"You are an ex-person!" 1 ao,e;"Your enemy strikes home" 1 ao,e;"You have won the fight!" 1 ao,e;"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" 1 ao,e;"INVISIBILITY SPELL CAST": 1 ao,d;"Your friend has been killed": 1 ao,d;"You have insufficient magic": 1 ao,d;"You are somewhat demised!" 1 ao,d;"You are a late adventurer!" 1 ao,d;"The spell was unsuccessful": 1 ao,d;"That is not a combat spell": 1 ao,d;"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE": 1 ao,c;"You quickly lash your enemy" 1 ao,c;"You land a blow successfully" 1 ao,c;"You have cast him to the void": 1 ao,c;"You get hit by a nasty swipe" 1 ao,c;"You feel a painful head blow" 1 ao,c;"He leaves a white parchment": 1 ao,b;"You lunge and strike your foe" 1 ao,b;"You have not learnt that spell": 1 ao,b;"You find a gap in the defence" 1 ao,b;"He leaves a purple parchment": 1 ao,a;"You retreat and take a backstab!": 1 ao,a;"You have killed your adversary!" 1 ao,a;"The enemy shatters your defence" 1 a7,a;" PARCHMENTS:";l(e7) 1 a7,a9;"Resurrection" 1 a5,a;" WINE 1 a5,a9;"Void" 1 a4,a4;"8MP": 1 a4,a4;"6MP": 1 a4,a4;"5MP": 1 a4,a4;"4MP": 1 a4,a4;"3MP": 1 a4,a4;"2MP": 1 a4,a4;"10MP": 1 a3,a;" FOOD 1 a3,a9;"Invisibility" 1 a3,a9;"3.RETREAT" 1 a2,h;"death takes place"; 1 a2)="----" 1 a1,a;" MONEY 1 a1,a9;"Sesame" 1 a1,a9;"2.COMBAT"; 1 a$=" is here": 1 YOU HAVE WON THE GAME" 1 VOID SPELL 1 The village of LongbottomJ 1 The Tower of ColoursI 1 The Old CavesS 1 The Lost IslandW 1 The Great OceanQ 1 The Forest of Long ShadowsU 1 SHOPKEEPER 1 SAVED GAME LOADED 1 SAVE GAME(Y/N)OR START AGAIN(S)? 1 PRESS THE FIRST LETTER OF SPELL CHOSEN 1 PRESS KEY:- 1,2 or 3 1 PLACE TAPE IN RECORDER 1 PAWNBROKER 1 Nooky WoodR 1 INSERT TAPE IN PLAYER 1 Castle CraigmoorK 1 A twisting mazeZ 1 *h)+d6,f2, 1 *f)+st+xs+ps+ax)-( 1 *f)+ms+as+xt) 1 *e)+ao,c9,e9,e6, 1 '"Pardon?": 1 '"PLEASE WAIT": 1 '"He gives you a potion and leaves": 1 '"Exits & objects:" 1 "win16","wes04","upx05","tor08","tub14","tic29","tre52","tin69","yel36","zom80","whi38","war58","wat61","vol48","tal23" 1 "tak03","sta27","spe35","say21","tal38","wea08","unl15","swi14","sav33" 1 "sta51","sou02","spa12","red34","roo42","scr19","sig67","sor72","sho73","swo26","saf60","rin11","rop13","shi62","sar49" 1 "some money" 1 "some matches" 1 "some gauntlets" 1 "some food" 1 "some balm" 1 "ope05","paw20","rea11","pla17","rub22","qui29" 1 "nor01","oak47","paw74","mat28","mon32","pic20","por59","pur37","nec10","met46","man81","poo53","moa65","pix71","pot24" 1 "kil32","inv26","loo25","joi36","lea40","lig09","jum23","loa34" 1 "gob75","her68","hor22","hel33","ido07","gor41","gre35","gau09","log63","key15","jew17","kan76" 1 "get02","fig30","exa10","hel28","eat06","ent24","ext19","giv16" 1 "fro45","doo43","dow06","eas03","che30","foo27","cup66","cli54","dwa70","dea79","dem77" 1 "dro04","dig37","buy13","att31","dri07","clo39","blo18","cli12" 1 "bac44","bed55","amu21","blu39","bla40","boo56","atl57","alm25","boa50","bal31","box64","aar18","ber78" 1 "an amulet" 1 "an almanac" 1 "a yellow";z$ 1 "a wooden tube" 1 "a wineskin" 1 "a white";z$ 1 "a ticket" 1 "a talisman" 1 "a scroll" 1 "a red";z$ 1 "a purple";z$ 1 "a potion" 1 "a piccolo" 1 "a necklace" 1 "a jewel box" 1 "a green";z$ 1 "a chess set" 1 "a blue";z$ 1 "a black";z$ 1 "Your torch has gone out": 1 "Your mouth feels dry": 1 "Your location:": 1 "Your hand is very painful" 1 "Your hand is throbbing" 1 "Your garden","It is very well kept with rows of lovely flowers and vegetables","--384233----" 1 "Your endurance has sunk too low": 1 "Your bedroom","A bed can be seen in the corner;there is little else"," 1 "You've opened the metal door": 1 "You've opened it": 1 "You've just dried up...": 1 "You've died of hunger": 1 "You're wearing it!": 1 "You're overloaded": 1 "You're on the point of malnutri-tion" 1 "You're mad": 1 "You're feeling hungry": 1 "You're already in it": 1 "You weed!": 1 "You swig the brew": 1 "You sail safely down!": 1 "You sail down to a sudden SPLAT!": 1 "You rub the amulet": 1 "You rub on the ointment": 1 "You play a pretty ditty": 1 "You open it and find a yellow parchment": 1 "You need that to win!": 1 "You need a drink quickly" 1 "You must ask him to leave first": 1 "You must HAVE it to wear it": 1 "You learn of a secret passage inthe dungeon": 1 "You jump!": 1 "You haven't won the bingo this week!": 1 "You haven't got the right object": 1 "You haven't enough rubeks": 1 "You have successfully used the Healing spell": 1 "You have not learnt that spell": 1 "You have insufficient magic 1 "You have healed the scorpion sting": 1 "You float safely up the cliff": 1 "You find the word:'GORLAB'-use this word with care": 1 "You find the water very soothing": 1 "You find some healing balm": 1 "You find nothing": 1 "You find an ornate chess set": 1 "You find a wall safe behind": 1 "You find a tiny amulet": 1 "You find a secret passage": 1 "You find a scroll": 1 "You find a red parchment!": 1 "You find a piccolo": 1 "You find a green parchment!": 1 "You find a golden idol": 1 "You fall over in the dark": 1 "You eat a tasty meal": 1 "You climb into the boat": 1 "You cast a resurrection spell": 1 "You can't": 1 "You can't talk to that!": 1 "You can't open that": 1 "You can't do that": 1 "You can't ";a$: 1 "You awake..": 1 "You are stuck on a sheer cliff face","There seems to be no means of escape"," 1 "You are overcome by a sense of magic": 1 "You are on a lonely track to the","northwest of your cottage","--334238----" 1 "You are not injured!": 1 "You are in your tiny cottage","To the east is your back door;tothe west is the front door.Stair-ways can be seen leading up anddown.The living room is furn- ished very sparsely","----37363435" 1 "You already have it": 1 "You ";a$: 1 "Which parchment?": 1 "Which door?": 1 "Where's the key?": 1 "Where's the combustion?": 1 "Where is it?": 1 "What's the combination?": 1 "What would they do in Delhi?": 1 "What denizen is that?": 1 "We will fight to the death'": 1 "Two words please": 1 "Try using'HELP'": 1 "Try examining things": 1 "Try another object": 1 "Tindrel the tinker";a$ 1 "Tindrel says,'There's no money in pots and pans'" 1 "Tindrel says,'The Lost Island isa dismal place" 1 "Tindrel says,'I've had enough ofthis'": 1 "Tindrel says,'I've got better things to do but we'll give it atry'": 1 "Tindrel says,'I don't like 1 "Tindrel says,'Hi friend,what brings you here?'": 1 "Tindrel looks very upset by the ship's log" 1 "This pool is obviously not for thirst quenching": 1 "This is not a shop my friend!": 1 "This ain't a pawnshop!": 1 "They're about manticore breeding": 1 "They put a spell on you": 1 "There's nothing to unlock": 1 "There's no-one serving": 1 "There's no point in that": 1 "There's no point in doing that": 1 "There's no boat here": 1 "There's a snarling manticore" 1 "There's a number: ";l(io): 1 "There is an aura of magic": 1 "The waters are known for their powers": 1 "The water is very uninviting": 1 "The torch has dried up": 1 "The top of a lonely clifftop","To the west can be seen a vast expanse of water","57 1 "The statue is suddenly animated and the devil crushes you to pulp": 1 "The spell does not work here": 1 "The shopkeeper";a$ 1 "The shopkeeper says,'What are you doing here?": 1 "The shopkeeper says,'There you are sir and have a nice day'": 1 "The shopkeeper says,'Good day young master,I've got swords @ 10 rubeks,food @ 3RB, matches @ 1RB and almanacs @ 4RB'" 1 "The ship's engine room","A large wooden box about seven feet long can be seen"," 1 "The seashore","The forbidding sea stretches to the north","0718 1 "The scorpion has poisoned you": 1 "The rope uncoils and climbs intothe air": 1 "The pawnbroker";a$ 1 "The manticore fires a volley of tail spikes at you": 1 "The man says,'Good morning sir, have you any pledges for me?'" 1 "The guvnor's out to lunch!!": 1 "The goblin blocks your path": 1 "The evil warlock Kandos is here.He says,'So,young varmint,you seemed to have acquired all of my parchments.Prepare to die in mortal combat with me'": 1 "The entrance to a dark forbidd- ing cave","Blackness emanates from within","--474845----" 1 "The drawbridge is slowly wincheddown allowing you entry to the castle": 1 "The door's open": 1 "The door opens": 1 "The door is already open": 1 "The demon says,'You will die thedeath of a thousand fireballs": 1 "The demon says,'I will unleash all of Hades upon you'" 1 "The demon croaks,'You will die, you filth'" 1 "The deck of a great sailing ship","All around you is the sea. An entrance to below can be seen","09090909--11" 1 "The captain's cabin","There are numerous charts and navigational aids.The ship's log is open on a table.To your right can be seen a stairway going further down into the ship"," 1 "The berserker warrior appears and says,'Thanks for finding my faithful viking horn-please 1 "The answer is'No'": 1 "That's ridiculous": 1 "That's not possible": 1 "That's impossible": 1 "That's RUBbish!": 1 "That spell will not work here": 1 "That spell is available in the FIGHT routine only": 1 "That is absolutely correct. Go south from the small sinister room to find the way out": 1 "Testing the program,are you?": 1 "Talk about what?": 1 "South of the village","To the east can be seen a pool about ten feet wide","5562 1 "South of the beach","A stark cliff face can be seen looming","171916 1 "Sorry-try again": 1 "Sorry,that's not right": 1 "Sorbo the sorceror";a$ 1 "Sorbo says,'Thank you.There is the way west'": 1 "Sorbo says,'Find my golden idol & I'll show you the Great Ocean'" 1 "Social climbing again?": 1 "Seen any backward balrogs!?": 1 "PLEASE WAIT": 1 "Nothing special": 1 "No entering here!": 1 "Leave it out!": 1 "Just go up": 1 "It's written in strange runes": 1 "It's written in dwarvish!": 1 "It's too steep": 1 "It's out isn't it?": 1 "It's not worth closing": 1 "It's locked": 1 "It's already lit": 1 "It's all gone": 1 "It tightens round your throat and squeezes the life out of you": 1 "It makes you very weary": 1 "It disappears" 1 "Is this the examination room?": 1 "Inside a woodcutter's hut","A cupboard can be seen","38 1 "Input too long": 1 "Imbibe what?": 1 "I'm afraid you have gone to meetyour maker!": 1 "I should keep that": 1 "I don't see the enemy here": 1 "I don't see that denizen here": 1 "I don't see it here": 1 "I don't dig that at all!": 1 "Hold on a minute,you had used the resurrection spell-you fall back to earth alive again": 1 "Hermak the hermit";a$ 1 "Hermak says,'The sign says 1 "Hermak says,'Solve this riddle and I'll show you the south exit Finish this puzzle: 1 "Hermak says,'Okay we'll see how it goes'": 1 "Hermak says,'I'm going now-bye'": 1 "Hermak says,'Beware the Tower ofColours'" 1 "Hermak says,'Beware the 1 "Hermak says,'Beware he with the spiked tail'" 1 "He's not travelling with you": 1 "He's a stiff!": 1 "He sends a sheet of white flame in your general direction!": 1 "He seems uninterested": 1 "He says,'You'll have to start the fight yourself'": 1 "He says,'You haven't got it'": 1 "He says,'We don't sell that'": 1 "He says,'That's no good'": 1 "He says,'That's fine-here's a pawn ticket and some money'": 1 "He says,'O.K.,if you don't want me'": 1 "He says,'Not here'": 1 "He says,'No'": 1 "He drinks some and falls down dead!": 1 "He can't join you!": 1 "Go play with yourself": 1 "Give it a rest!": 1 "Dwalo the dwarf";a$ 1 "Dwalo says,'Rescued any prince- sses lately?'" 1 "Dwalo says,'Nice weather we're having'" 1 "Dwalo says,'It tells of a tinkerwho was being held captive below'": 1 "Dwalo says,'I'm going back home'": 1 "Dwalo says,'Fine I could do withsome company'": 1 "Dwalo says'Beware the pixies'" 1 "Don't play with matches!": 1 "Do you dig trinkets?": 1 "Dig with what?": 1 "Dead Tindrel";a$ 1 "Check your bearings": 1 "Blowing in the wind!": 1 "Aardvark gazette" 1 "A zombie";a$ 1 "A zombie lurches forth": 1 "A shingly beach","To the west lies a great ocean","----3903----" 1 "A sea monster attacks you": 1 "A scorpion appears and stings your hand": 1 "A repulsive demon leaps out": 1 "A rather irate moat serpent has eaten you": 1 "A narrow track","To the north is a cave entrance.Far to the south a castle looms in the mist","5363 1 "A mountain path","There's a dead end to the east"," 1 "A meandering path","with a steep gradient","----1416----" 1 "A manticore";a$ 1 "A long gravel track which leads to a great tower built into the rock","An impressive oaken door is set into the wall"," 1 "A hilly track","To the south can be seen many trees","--221518----" 1 "A goblin";a$ 1 "A dusty slope","The sea can be seen in the far west","----3840----" 1 "A dimly lit cellar","The room is completely bare"," 1 "A demon";a$ 1 "A country lane","There is an unusually large oak tree on the west side of the road.To the north can be seen a wood.A couple of miles to the south is a small village","445580 1 "A country crossroads","Paths lead in all directions","36413739----" 1 "A cliff wall to the south climbsto a height of about thirty feet","There seems to be no obvious way of ascending it","18 1 "A band of pixies are here" 1 "9";"STOP THE TAPE": 1 "10";"LOADING CODE": 1 "..and kills you": 1 "'That's out of stock-sorry'": 1 shopkeeper'" 1 parchmentT 1 distance,land can be seen","03880502----" 1 devil looks down on you","--51--49----" 1 castle","6371 1 appears to be land","05--0907----" 1 accept this helm as a reward'": 1 WELCOME TO THE CAVES'": 1 STATUS REPORT 1 :";l(e6); 1 :";l(e5);